Saturday, October 18, 2008

This is happening in OUR Time.

Check out this scary link to a video of indoctrinated children singing about THE ONE.

Today, No bad jokes. No exaggerations.

Wait. One bad joke. If Obama wins, he will send all of us back to Europe, with the exception of the caterwauling kids in this video, all of whom should be shipped to Michael Jackson.

Today, No over-dramatization. No internet fibs.

Wait. One. If you vote for the muzlim Obama, you will lose your soul in the voting booth. I am serious.

How did it ever come to this?

Obama is the promised son of perdition and whatnot.

He will raise the eff word out of our taxes and then give the money away to people who have never even paid taxes.

He will take genocide to a ho nutha level with his pro-death abortion policies. Forced sterilization will be common. After 2011, no more white babies.

His foreign policies will practice to deceive. Obama's policies will weaken Israel to insignificance. They will promote islam.

Christianity will fade during his rule.

White people will have to wear a white spot on their clothing.

It is going to suck.


Maybe the elves will rally and save us.

Or not.

But seriously, check out that video on Youtube.

After that, watch some "H.R. Pufnstuff."