Monday, July 14, 2008

Inside an Enegro

Monday, July 14, 2008

Inside an Enegro
Current mood: focused
Category: News and Politics

Gotta love the folks at the New Yorker; it brought out the inner whiner in Obama. What a punk a** b*tch, as his rapper friends would say. Naturally, I was delighted to hear about this "controversy," and I was even more amused when I saw the cover of the magazine. I used to subscribe, but stopped because I never got around to reading it. I subscribe to about 600 publications, and I read only one: Vanity Fair. This is one of many reasons why I am so shallow and superficial and only hang out with folks who are pretty, and want to discuss fashion and programming on the Bravo Channel.

Not really, but almost really.

Have you seen some of the stuff they have on Bravo? I forget which comedienne once said that someone or something was TOO gay, but the comment was funny. Might have been Kathy Griffin; she gets off a good one now and then. The Bravo program on hair stylists…what is it called? Anyway, it is one of those shows that is so goofy I'm embarrassed I surfed through it. I am even more embarrassed I watched it. Oh, and I'll sit there and watch it all, and hope there's another episode to come. I want to watch John Wayne movies and eat red meat after watching that program. I'm just sayin'.

Same situation with a show on CMT, "Can You Duet." What's worse is I watched "Duet" every Friday night until it was over. Even set my cell phone to remind me. I'm ashamed of some things I've done. I'm not ashamed that I am one of only 12 people on planet earth who has not seen a single episode of "American Idol." Not one. I'd be hooked if I did.

Never been on a golf course either, but that is only because no one has ever invited me and, to quote Groucho Marx, "I wouldn't join a (country) club that would accept me." I wouldn't go home from a bar with the hapless (and most assuredly drunk) woman who would consent to go home with ME. All parties are better off. Frrrl.

But I digress.

This Obama Flap with the New Yorker. The courageous senator will whine about it until the brilliant magazine apologizes and withdraws the issue from circulation. (then I'll spend a small fortune buying it on Ebay) That's how it works in the Land of the Woos. As Shakespeare wrote, "Cry Havoc! Let slip the Dogs of (Charges of Racism)!" One has to admire the machine that is his campaign. They know what it is they are trying to do: WIN. Many have written and said that the Republicans don't know what to do with or against this guy. Senator Clinton tried everything but calling him an N-word, which would have made my entire life worth living, but …she didn't. Republicans are presently trying the tiresome "flip flop" thing, but it won't work against a muslim with satanic power from the bowels of hell. You know what I'm sayin'.

Obama is a big phony and a liar, and a muslim extremist, but we can't say that because it would be racist.

Politics should be funny. It seldom is anymore because of political correctness.

I recall in the 1980 campaign a reporter questioned Lyn Nofziger about rumors about then-Governor Reagan. Lyn said, "I have a better rumor for you: I hear Carter has the clap." Priceless. Mini scandal, though, and can you imagine the uproar if Lyn were around to say such a thing today? He'd get into more trouble that that awful and fat Jesse Jackson got into for saying he wanted to castrate poor Obama. I could watch that over and over again. He sounded like "Mr. T" threatening to "slit tha b*tch 'thoat'." It is difficult to spell ghetto words.

Did Carter have the clap? Yes. Rosalyn caught it from one of the lawn guys, gave it to Arafat, and HE gave it to Carter. It was a mess.

We cain't laugh at nuthin' nowadays without offending someone.

Well I laugh, but I have to be careful in front of whom I choose to laugh at, or say, inappropriate things. There are some, I have found, who were born sans humor – or common sense. The other day I made a joke about a mutual friend stabbing me, and I even allowed that it had hurt. This knucklehead thought I was serious and sent out a flurry of emails on the issue, impugning my character and hurting my feelings. He questioned my sanity (as have countless people and various nervous hospitals). It is probable this fellow had his sense of humor removed at the same time he joined the chorus castrati, and had those removed. It is definite I won't be sending him any more "humorous" emails.

It did hurt when Cage Fighter Ryan stabbed me, by the way. Stabbing hurts. Just ask Sharon Tate.

So I went to the New Yorker Magazine and captured and borrowed the cover art for my page at MySpace for High School Girls. I noted many other morons at the New Yorker site were posting comments at the site. There is nothing dumber or more useless than posting comments (other than writing a posting a "blog") at a website. No one reads them, except for fat nerds like me who never leave the computer or stop working except to read comments and post blogs.

I posted a comment, and they added it. Since no one will read it, you can read it now:

>>I think the cover is hilarious. Obama, like so many of his ilk, cannot take a joke, much less any form of criticism, without crying racism. I'm one who happens to believe the cover isn't that far from the truth. We won't find out for certain until after this inexperienced junior senator is elected. Maybe his own thin skin will bring him down; the only problem is the alternative isn't a whole lot better. Still, McCain isn't the muslim anti-Christ. To paraphrase Churchill, (Obama) is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enegro.<<

Posted by Randall Hodge July 14, 08 04:17 PM

Like Kathy Griffin, I get off a good one now and then.

It is strange to be home for a few days. I am ready to go back home to the Aryan State of North Dakota. I want to hear English spoken again. Remind me to tell you about this chick ATT stuck me with today. I punched the wrong option button and landed with the Mexican language helper. I got off a good one or two with her, but she didn't think I was funny.

Happy 24th to my best friend, David Kelly.


RPH, Esq., N.V.

©Randall P. Hodge, Esq., and Morningwood Enterprises, LLC

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