Sunday, September 21, 2008

Beast and the Beauty

For the last couple of weeks, I have focused on curing diseases, ending world hunger, and watching “Project Runway” on Bravo. And there’s the Emmys to fret about. I’ve tried to ignore the Obamas, but I can’t. The junior senator from Illinois, the only muslim in the United States Senate, is such a phony that I often wonder how much it will suck if he is elected.

Clearly, he is running for President for only one reason: he gets to chase after ugly fat white women. I don’t mean that racist. If you watch him, he always has frumpy white chicks, like that abominable Senator Claire McCaskill, around, and he kisses on them before and after each rally. I’m not too sure but what Joe Biden’s wife didn’t get pregnant, the way Obama kissed on her at the Democrat National Convention. I’m jus’ sayin’. Clearly, though, Obama has a thing for white women, as evidenced by his new book.

Ugly White Women

Seriously, I’ve been annoyed by a couple of stunts recently pulled by the Obamas. One, they’ve run ads that misquote, mistranslate, and or take out of context a PARODY Rush Limbaugh broadcast back in the 90’s with regard to the NAFTA debate. I’m no fan of Limbaugh, as he is a fat blowhard. I rarely listen to him. He is as big a blowhard as Bill O’Reilly, but he is not nearly as big a blowhard as Barack Obama.

The Obama campaign took Limbaugh’s comments, twisted them around, and make it seem that Rush called Mexicans “stupid,” and to stay home (in Mexico). None of this is relevant today anyway, as Bush let all 15 million of them move into the United States anyway. But I digress. My point is it isn’t fair to do this to someone, even when the fate of Western Civilization is at stake.

Actually, it is fair to do this to someone. McCain’s people do it to Obama all the time. We take his slimy words out of context and then twist them around until we have him in bed with Michael Jackson and a bunch of little white cub scouts. The difference is Republicans don’t whine and squall and call everyone a racist like Obama does. Obama does it because he is a little ice cream boy. He is a nerdy, effete wimp with big ears, smelly feet, and a taste for fat ugly white women.

I don’t mean this mean or as a personal attack.

Republicans don’t protest because it us useless anyway. The media ignore them, except for God’s news source, Fox.

For all the things Republicans have done to mealy mouthed democrats like Obama, nothing – NOTHING is as low as the trick they’ve pulled with Rush Limbaugh. May all of Obama’s lawn people quit.

Someone let Michelle Obama out of her cage last week. Every time she gets out, we get a taste of how vomity she truly is. We see she is much worse than Hillary Clinton was, even in the 90’s when she killed Vince Foster and poisoned Mother Theresa. You know what I’m sayin’. In a speech the other day, Michelle admonished her listeners not to vote for someone “because you like him, or because she is cute.”

Michelle Obama

Girlfriend took that little dig at Sarah Palin. That’s fine, but it was done with the contemptuous snooty air she always exudes when she is allowed to speak. She is a hater. She hates white people, especially lovely charming ones like Sarah Palin.

Sarah Palin

Think of the influence Michelle Obama would wield in an Obama Black House. Consider if you will the ilk of judges the Obamas would appoint. Radicals. muslims. Thugs. Thieves. Rappers. People with goofy names like Malik and Jamal. I could go on and on.

Slavery for white folks. All firstborn white males aborted.

It’s all on the internet.

I’m kidding about some of this, but Obama’s commercial that misquotes, misuses and mistranslates the words of fat Rush Limbaugh is wrong. Michelle Obama’s snide little dig against Sarah Palin, who is a thousand times “cuter,” was over the top. Save that crap for your next love-in with the fat girls on “The View.” I’m also tired of the op-ed pieces written by the following fat New York Times columnists: Frank Rich, Gail Collins and Maureen Dowd. Wait. Maureen isn’t fat.

My girl Tina Fey’s impression of Governor Palin on “Saturday Night Live” was spot-on and hilarious. I’ve read the governor was also amused by it. At least some people still have a sense of humor.

There is still time for someone to say the N-word or throw watermelons. Let’s take this campaign down to a. Ho. Nutha. Level. Who can forget the historic 1983 Chicago mayoral race, during which folks who didn’t like black Harold Washington wore buttons with a watermelon and a red diagonal stripe (the international NO symbol). I’ve searched far and wide for one of those, but can’t find one.

Harold Washington

In the end, Obama is going to lose, because has a dumb name, and he should have changed it years ago. And he is going to raise taxes and give all the money to people who don’t pay tax in the first place. It’s called communism or something worse. He knows nothing about foreign policy. He hasn’t served a day in the military, and this nation is at war with his religion and culture. His pastor is a nut and a goofball. One of Obama’s early supporters and current friends enjoyed blowing up people, places and things, and wishes he still could. In sum, Obama’s judgment sucks, and I don’t trust him to run anything, short of a Rodney King Riot or a Free O.J. Simpson Rally. Those things he could do.

The “American People in their righteous might” will elect a black president some day, but not this year, and not this black guy – even if he is half white. The democrat party could have given us a much better candidate – Biden for instance. The Republicans could have also given us a better choice too…but they didn’t.

©Randall P. Hodge, Esq. and Morningwood Enterprises, LLC

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