Sunday, December 28, 2008

Why We Stab People

Years ago, when everyone was stealing music by way of Napster, Genitalia, and all the other online file sharing services, I was PAYING for the tracks I wanted. Why? Because as an attorney, I am ethically charged with being ethical. Also, too many friends had picked up awful viruses by downloading music and porn. I didn't really know how to do it anyway.

I discovered it was possible to download tracks of my favorite music through the MSN website. It was so easy even I could do it. It only cost a buck a song, and I didn't have to buy the whole album, which is usually loaded with about 12 dumb tracks.

Recently I moved all my files from 10-year old desk top computers over to my laptop. Included were many weinerbytes of music I'd paid for, and which used to work just fine when I tried to play them on the old computers. They won't play now on the laptop. Apparently the "license" did not transfer with the music. I keep getting an annoying error message that advises me my Windows Player (which sucks anyway) is "acquiring rights" from the website. Eventually, and this can take thirty minutes or more, the rights are "acquired."

What do you think happened? The music still won't play. The sign says, "rights acquired. Press Play now." Ain't nuthin' "acquired." I'm told I must sign in. I do that, and the music won't play. I press Play, and it won't play.

I spent hours obsessively searching for he CDs I'd burned of the music in question. What do you think happened? The music still won't play. The CDs will play in a DVD player, but not on my computer.

MSN no longer peddles music. It has a new partnership with Napster. MSN is completely out of the bidness of helping former customers, but it moves heaven and earth to protect the rights of artists. Good, I guess.

I complained,and eventually I received instructions to do what I'd already done about 90 times. Sign in, acquire the rights, and enjoy the fine music.

It's all effed up. I can't do anything about it. I hate all the music I downloaded anyway.

Deep inside, though, there is a part of me that will always wish I could listen to 98˚, the Back Street Boys and Nsync, especially since I paid for it.

All the smart people who stole tracks from that awful Metallica (who ruined music stealing for the masses anyway) and other bands will continue to enjoy their music, even unto the ending of the world. Thank you, Lars and other unattractive members of Metallica.

But I digress.

My point is I am really annoyed with MSN, and there isn't anything I can do about it. So I will accept it and be grateful I can listen to the CDs on my DVD player. And I have plenty of NKOTB, son.


And that's why we stab people.

Just FYI.
©Randall P. Hodge, Esq., and Morningwood Enterprises, Ltd.


Anonymous said...

I have the same problem with my records... They don't work in my CD player! coreywayne

Anonymous said...

That is only One reason We Stab people
Babies Mama:)