Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Myspace Love

Tuesday, February 03, 2009
Current mood: infuriated

I wanted to send a link for my blogspot website to my new best friend, John, who lives on Staten Island. I added a link in the message, as I had done earlier in a Myspace bulletin. Myspace gets fussy if one uses a link. Perhaps our colorful bouncy host fears the specter of Facebook (bellowed in a booming, basso voice) on the horizon.

Because I added a link, Myspace thinks I am "phishing," or have been "phished." Myspace has forced me to change my password seven times (and counting) because of this phishing crap. I'm sorry people are phished, it sucks to be them, and it's worse than the holocaust. But, as techno-naive as I am, I don't think I'm going to fall for one of those fake websites that wants my login stuff. Who in the hell would want someone's Myspace stuff anyway? Honky pleez.

Since I started jacking with Facebook a few months ago, many of my attractive, intelligent, and well-dressed friends have jumped the wall to freedom at Facebook. Facebook truly is, to quote Gandalf, a blessed land with "white shores...a far green country," and it isn't lame or the butt of countless jokes. Many of us feel silly over there from time to time, because you can't make up how cheesy some of us can be. You will know I'm at the top of the list of cheese if you but browse my photo albums.

But I digress.

So far, I haven't encountered any problems or drags with the Facebook site. It is user friendly, and one does not need an instructional DVD to do things. Now that I am used to it, I believe it is a superior way to stay in touch with old friends, to meet new ones, and to be ubercheesy. Facebook has all the functions of Myspace and more -- and the functions work.

If and when I quit Myspace, I will miss all the flashing, pretty colors. I won't miss the "blog control center." It is difficult sometimes if one wants a consistent blog page. It has something to do with transferring the data from blogspot, or Word to the hideous Myspace website. I know I'm probably the one who is making the mistake with protocol crap. After I post this at Myspace, I'll likely discover that in places, the size and type of font vary from one sentence to another. Who knows why. If I try in my OCD way to fix it, it gets worse.

It must be racism. I am black, and Myspace has found out.

I don't like change. I like both places. At Myspace, I feel all colorful, sticky, pink, blue and creepy. "Ticky-tacky," to borrow a phrase from my literate sponsor. I feel like I would and should feel if I talked to teenagers waiting in line to see "Twilight."

People make cruel, hurtful jokes about losers in my age group who have a Myspace page, e.g., "Superbad." Those jokes are funny as hell, too. At Facebook...well, it seems more adult. Facebook is a timewaster that is a thousand times classier than its gummy bear sister, Myspace.

Hannibal Lecter would use Facebook. John Wayne Gacy would play clown on the other one.

Jus' sayin'.

Still, I am 14 and I love all the Hannah Montana-like features of Myspaceformiddleschoolgirls, and I am comfortable there.

But you wasted my time tonight Evil Myspace. White people should be able to send a link to their own website without setting off alarms about passwords, and without having to view the iconic image of Tom in that awful t-shirt. It's an LSD migraine from hell to look at that error page crap. All the pretty colors come together and form swirly, black/green hypnotic eyes, like in a horrid 50's movie. The eyes stare, and they hate you. I can't be the only person who is having this exact same experience.

I know without being told that the digressions, ramblings, musings, tired semi-xenophobic and racist comments in every single one of my blogs are NOT worth this bother. John in Staten Island would live without reading my blog.

But let's just say I didn't take my meds this morning, so I am not acting right. The voices in my head are loud this evening, and they grow louder, because it is a pain in the arse to repeat the password change process over and over.

So I am going to see what happens when I try to post this blog. Someone with THE MAN will read it immediately; they always do. If it doesn't get through the censors, I shall roam the internet exposing this vile, fascist attack on my free speech. Not that there was anything wrong with the fascists, you understand, but Myspace Nazis wear teal uniforms, bitches, not black. Teal fascists haven't yet appeared in any of my fantasies or nocturnal ticky-tackies, so to speak.

I will also start my own website, the concept of which I have long dreamed: WeinerSpace dot com. A warm, friendly, welcoming, and wholesome place for gentlemen to show and share about their weiners with hot Asian chicks and cups. You know what I'm sayin'. (One can always segue weiners into any blog)

Beware of the Ides of March, stay off the moors, stay away from the light, Carol Anne, and whatever you do, don't try to insert a weblink in your messages or bulletins. Myspace will cut you.

I feel better now, but I can't remember my password.

(c) 2009 Randall P. Hodge, Esq. and Morningwood Enterprises, Ltd.

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