Friday, February 20, 2009

And so it begins...

Most of us have heard the story of Chip Harrison, an Oklahoma City resident who was stopped by Oklahoma City Police for “Driving While White,” and for having a sign in the window of his vehicle, “Abort Obama, not the Unborn.”

Chip Harrison

Since when is it illegal to display a sign in your window? January 20, 2009, that’s when. I was taught that Freedom of Speech is almost absolute. An exception is falsely crying “Fire! Fire!” in a crowded theatre (unless there is a fire). It is also illegal to display an anti-Obama sign in your car if a black policeman sees it, he supports Obama, and he wants to undo 400 years of alleged injustice in one traffic stop.

Oh, SNAP! Look at this oft-seen bumper strip:

Harrison claims he made the sign because he is a Christian and opposes abortion. Obama recently approved government funding for “partial birth” abortions. In this procedure, Dr. Death digs the living fetus out in pieces. The technique was perfected at Auschwitz -- just like the police and government tactics we’re going to see in the “brave new world” of the Obama Regime. People, I TOLD you he was the anti-Christ.

I won't post images of this, but you can google images of the "medical" procedure, and ...nah, don't do it.

Lo how the mountain has turned. During the campaign, a couple of fey, foppish fellows in West Hollywood hung from their roof a figure that represented Governor Sarah Palin with a noose around her neck. As appalling and goofy as that stunt was, I secretly thought it was kind of funny. It was Halloween, and girlfriend had recently said some dumb things. No one told the guys to take down this “offensive” display. Nope, Free Speech won the day, son. If someone went to a Halloween party costumed as “Lynched Obama,” someone would cut that guy. We’d find him tied to a fence post in Wyoming. Frrrrl.

Our freedoms have been curtailed in Oklahoma City, though, because of the recent Reichstag Fire, and the Coming of Barack Obama.

I can only imagine the attitude the policeman had when he stopped Mr. Harrison. I don’t speed, run stop signs, carry around dead bodies, or a mobile meth lab (like everyone else), but if THE MAN stops me, my heart races, and I’m shaky. My voice quivers, and suddenly I’m not Charlton Heston with a staff. Why? Well, for starters, he/she can shoot me if he/she wants, or plant a gun or drugs, or a bloody glove. He can force me out of my car, make me “get flat” as they say on “Cops,” and he can yell unkind things at me. A policeman can Rodney King me to deff.

I respect the police, and I do what they say because I have to. I admire the good ones for their sacrifice and devotion. However, many are jack booted thugs (to borrow a phrase from my man G. Gordon Liddy). Every time I’ve ever been stopped for an alleged traffic violation, I found the officer to be both rude and arrogant. On one occasion, the officer asked me my profession. “Excuse me, but what does that have to do with anything,” I said. “I asked you a question,” said the policeman. When I told him I was an attorney, he said, “that figures.” I hadn’t been rude or haughty, because I know my place, but I suppose others in my hideous profession HAD been rude or haughty to him in the past.

I am just a victim. I'm going tonight to get a tear drop tattoo, bitches.

But I digress. It isn’t all about me.

Back to Free Speech. A small group of hippies used to gather near that gawdawful ugly gold dome building at 23rd & Classen (which Tim McVeigh should have targeted).

Jus’ sayin’, not hatin’.

These folks met weekly to protest Bush’s War without End. In those days I supported Bush and all of his evil works. This was before Katrina, and before the news conference in which he used the word plethora, and pronounced it “pluh-THOR-uh.” This was Freedom of Speech at its finest.

I thought the hippies were knuckleheads and organic food types, but so what. I secretly wished I had had the nerve to show up there with them, brandishing a big Nazi flag. No reason, other than to eff up their demonstration and get some much needed attention for myself. But I didn’t, because I am a big fat chicken. Emphasis on fat. But it would have been funny. They’d have tried to run me off, and someone would have called the police, even though I had just as much right to be there as they did. Or did I?

Most likely THE MAN would have shown up and confiscated the flag. I might have been arrested. The flag would have been returned in time, but they’d have stopped me from doing what I was doing that day. That’s the whole point: silence da white folks. Keep ‘em down so they can never get ahead. Eventually, the courts would have stepped up and protected my rights, but by then it would all be moot.

The government can and does exactly as it pleases, when it pleases. The courts may rein it in later, but so what? Ask Randy Weaver about that. In 1992, the Gestapo FBI and ATF charged up Ruby Ridge to his home, and murdered his wife, Vicki (who was holding their un-aborted infant), their other son Sam and, most tragically, their dog. They killed Brian Griffin, man. That’s cold.

Jack Booted Thugs

Brian Griffin, killed by the ATF at Ruby Ridge

Don't get me started on Waco. That's for another rant.

Big government is bad, especially when it perceives its purpose is to zealously protect and promote one particular philosophy or individual. With Obama, we have both. Apparently, in Oklahoma City we also have government officials who will abuse their power to put down opposition to him. I never imagined in my time a local police department would sic the Secret Service on to a guy because he had the effrontery to criticize The Anointed One. I may be overstating this a bit, but not by much. Watch this sort of thing very closely in the months to come. As Nostradamus predicted in Quatrain CLVIII, "Things are going to suck."

I don’t care for Obama, and he is the anti-Christ, and Satan’s Imp and whatnot, but I wish him well because Bush broke the world. Obama was elected, and he deserves a chance. With the economy, we are in uncharted waters, and without a boat or a paddle. Only Red Comm’nis’ China and Wal-Mark have the money to save us.

Western Civilization is also at war with 1.8 billion angry little muslims with bombs. I mean that nice.

A little trouble here and there, folks, but the Oscar® ceremony is Sunday. If girlfriend Kate Winslet wins, she might cry and embarrass the British Empire. Always love me some drama.

Oh, I hope Chip Harrison sues the crap out of Oklahoma City. We have to fight this stuff. We have to, or it will get worse. Ruby Ridge, Waco, and the Oklahoma City Bombing were horrific tragedies, but reforms ensued. Our government goons and thugs aren’t quite as “jack booted” now, but they keep those boots handy. They take them out and polish them now and then.

My friend Lyn Nofziger once told me that safety isn’t worth too much if we have to sacrifice our freedom.

© 2009 Randall P. Hodge, Esq., and Morningwood Enterprises, Ltd.


Anonymous said...

They will probably put you in prison for this blog until you say you will kiss Oboma's pinky ring. Like the du-rag, gots ta ty down those shinny waves.

x said...

This was an amazing piece of writing, sir! Sure, it was meandering, shamelessly extrapolative, and riddled with specious reasoning, but damn it, it was funny. I won't bother with a rebuttal of any sort, but I will say I've never chuckled so much while being so patently offended.

Write on, brotha.

Randall P. Hodge said...

Thanks for your kind comments, B.

All the best,