Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The MSNBC (ugh) GOP Debate

These debates will become tiresome before the end, but at least we don't have to suffer John McCain.

I'm pulling for anyone who can beat Obama like a red headed step child in a Kenyan K-Mart, which is where he was found, by the way.

Romney did well, but I fear he is too nice and Mormony to tear Obama's face off, which is what it is going to take. Obama will start a nuclear war with Jupiter to keep his job. Michelle will make him, because she loves the vacations.

I was pulling for Perry because it was his debut. I also think he would tear Obama's face off, and then kick him in the wiener. I would do the pay-per-view thing to see that. He held his own. No major mistake, and he had a few good lines. He referred to Social Security as a "Ponzi Scheme." It is much worse than that, and people know it. But we are stuck with it. It will fail, because no one will fix it. Too many demagogues. Even more chickens.

No one else stood out, as they had little opportunity. As is always the case, there were 300 candidates, long-winded moderators, and too little time. The only people who are watching debates at this stage are those of us who consider them political porn. They could go on for four hours, and I'd watch.

I can't stand Newt Gingrich, but he was excellent. He can't win the nomination and he wouldn't win the general election if he did, but he was excellent. His evil wife Callista made him run.

Ron Paul is 76 years old. Keebler Elf. Nut. Dude, No.

Rick Santorum was about beat ta deff in his last Senate campaign. He is also too nice, and ain't nobody lisnin'. Nice guy, but why is he running. Callista might have made him.

I like Herman Cain. A lot. He is actually all black, and not a poser like Barack. He is articulate. Seems humble, yet confident. I don't see him taking off. The media would never let that happen. THE MAN will bring him down. In a debate with Obama, somebody would call somebody the N-werd, which would be okay (and very funny) since Black people are allowed to say it to each other. We just need something like that to happen on national television.

Sorry, Michelle Bachmann. Nope. I liked her after the first debate, but gaffes kill. She gets good pills though.

It pays to eat an entire row of Oreos as a "single serving". They aren't really clear about what constitutes a serving, so a row will do.

Which brings me to the other black Republican candidate, Jon Huntsman. He is an Oreo Cookie-looking ice cream boy. He is pretty, and that is important to shallow people like me. But, he is the most boring of all of them. Plus, he isn't all that much different from Obama. He dissed my boy Rick Perry over Creationism. He is snarky to my other boy, Mitt Romney. He is rather arrogant, atop his 3% perch in the polls.

Here's what else I think about Jon Huntsman. The media have a dangerous man crush on him, and it may create a monster. Same thing happened with that awful John Anderson in 1980, the awfuller Gary Hart in 1984, and the awfullest, Ross Perot, in 1992. When the media over-adore a mediocre candidate, it goes to his head. He believes all of the hype. It rarely is true. We have Obama because the media fell in love with him. He has ruined the world, but he still thinks he is a living god. No one else does though.

Huntsman will go nowhere in the GOP primaries and caucuses. He won't be able to understand why, because the media have convinced him he is the World's Greatest Awesome Tremendous Mormon. If he can't get the nomination, why not try to unite the world under a banner of great hair. I have a bad feeling that Jon Huntsman may go for a 3rd party candidacy.

Huntsman wouldn't win if he ran, but Obama would. Fortunately, the Mayans predicted a violent end to all things in December, 2012, so we'll be spared another four years of the tacky and vulgar Obamas.


©2011 Randall P. Hodge, Esq., and Morningwood-DRK Enterprises – Prestige Worldwide

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