Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Fun with Facebook

At the website from which this post originated, hundreds and hundreds of people left nasty comments about the Bible, God, Christians, Jesus, and The Waltons.  Countless F Bombs, spelling errors, and a wanton and reckless disregard for proper grammar. These people probably hate water.  I wanted to leave my own comment, "Why do you care?  YOU don't read it."  But I didn't, because angry people would say unkind things to me.  I'll say it again, atheists are the angriest people on earth.

At the website where this post originated, there were hundreds and hundreds of comments from people who believe in God, and who believe the Bible is His Word.  They are convinced they have been blessed by their faith, and particularly by studying the Good Book.  It may not be perfectly translated, but it will more than do in a pinch, or a foxhole, or in time of trouble.

The engineers and designers have tweeked facebook so many times, they've finally managed to ruin it.  It is now possible to miss a great deal of the great stuff people often post or share.  Until two re-designs ago, one could start at the top of the page of what was commonly referred to as the "feed," and then scroll down as far as desired.  Everything said, liked, or posted by your facebook friends would be there.  For some reason, only some of the items now appear in the feed, and I'm not sure where it all went.  They ruined a good thing, and that's that.

I caught a couple of posts today, one by our angry atheist friends, for whom the internet has been a lifeline to crawl out of hiding.  The other was about the Bible.

Atheists are always angry and fussy.  They tend to think Believers are the dumbest people in the world.

I was in a class once, and the topic had something to do with God or spirituality.  One person offered his assessment that atheists are the angriest people he had ever known.  He was cut off in mid-sentence by an atheist who wanted to know why this man had the gall to say such a thing.  He was angry.  I've left out the bad words.  His anger might have had something to do with him being fat, but I'm not sure.  He was angry.

Now the happiest, most well adjusted, accepting, and successful people I've ever known are people who believe in God, or a Supreme Being.

Facebook is a spectacular waste of time.  It has become a playground for people who like to offend, annoy, shock, or just make a mess.  In rare instances, though, it is a place to see uplifting, and often moving photos, comments, or links to inspiring articles. 

I've been fed up with facebook several times, and I've even de-activated my account.  Others I know have quit and then come back.  A few will stay quit.  After this latest round of changes, I concluded the web designers went too far.  They messed it up.  Facebook does not listen to its users.  They never fix it back.  

If all I'm going to see when I log into facebook are a bunch of photos posted by angry atheists, then I'd just as soon get on Twitter.  There I find lots of angry little people like me, who like to join hands, hum, and hate on President Obama.  Guess for whom atheists will vote?

I dunno.  Atheists annoy me because most are so "in your face" about it.  It isn't enough for them not to believe in God.  I'm not sure why, but it bugs me the same way it would bug me if someone insulted a dear friend, or a relative.  I think they know that, but it doesn't matter; it's all part of the angry thing they have.

Don't get me started on atheists, especially fat ones.

Or facebook.

By the way, the internet ruined the world.

(c) 2012 Randall P. Hodge, Esq., and Morningwood Enterprises, Ltd.

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