Monday, June 18, 2012

In which a Cat.

I am a big fan of pets that were rescued from shelters.  I lucked out when I adopted the best cat who ever lived.

I picked her out because she was so friendly and purry, even at the adoption place.  I also picked her because she had perhaps the least desirable markings.  Who would want this cat?  No idea what breed(s) were mixed in, but she was a mutt.  I like mutts, and the colors grew on me over time.  

I thought she was beautiful.  Beautiful in every way a cat can be beautiful.  

I used to loathe cats.  This one taught me to love and appreciate them.

Most cats don't like to be picked up.  She didn't especially like it, but she'd let me, and I could hold her for a little while if I didn't overdo it.  Some cats aren't big on being petted.  Mine was, and she sort of forced me to notice her and pet her, no matter what I was doing.  

All the time I had this cat, I could never think of a name for her, so she was "Big Kitty," which is so dumb I always hated to provide her name to the vet.  Yeah, her name is Tabby or Fluffy.  I hate naming cats, as it isn't as if they come when I call.  I settled on Big Kitty because she was big, and that is about as inventive and creative as I get. 

All the time this cat lived with me, she never scratched me. Not once. That is unusual.  Somehow she knew about the claws, and to retract them.  

She was almost too affectionate. She had no vices -- unlike her human. She was just there with me.  My friend.  She did her job every day, and into the dark quiet hours of the night.  Whatever I was doing or up to, she was there.  In the picture below, one of my favorites, she was helping me in the yard.

The cat taught herself to talk, but she only spoke German.  She did this because she loved getting treats. She correctly concluded that speaking German is the way to get things from me. Whenever I went into the kitchen, she followed, and she'd pester me for a handful of them.  Her accent was a tad Bavarian, which was appropriate, albeit not particularly relevant.

She was only four or so.  I know nothing about her past life.  I only know she was such an awesome cat, I tried to make her life with me as swell as possible.  She never exhibited any symptoms or issues.  I always had her doctored and vaccinated as needed.  She was always alert and active and playful -- until very early Sunday morning.   

She died, as they do.  I don't know what was wrong with her.  She was panting, which is something I'd never seen her do.  I hoped she'd get over it, but there wasn't much time for contemplation.  Her breathing became more labored, and then she was gone.

My pets like to die on Sundays for some reason.

Whatever happened to her, she was gone so quickly there wouldn't have been time to take her to the emergency veterinary hospital.  Whatever it was, it was bad enough I doubt they could have saved her.

She brought so much good stuff to my life.  I hope she is somewhere, if there is somewhere.

And so another bad thing in 2012, my own Annus Horribilis.

December 21st can't get here quickly enough.  Bring it on, Mayans.

(c) 2012 Randall P. Hodge, Esq., and Morningwood Enterprises, LLC

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