Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Brigitte Bardot Butt Nekked

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Brigitte Bardot Butt Nekked
Current mood: aroused
Category: News and Politics

From today's Law Blog at the Wall Street Journal website


June 3, 2008, 2:05 pm

Pas Encore, Brigitte! French Actress Convicted for Anti-Muslim Rants

Earlier today, reports the AP, a Paris court convicted Bardot of provoking discrimination and racial hatred for writing that Muslims are destroying France. She was fined $23,325 and ordered to pay $1,555 in damages to MRAP, a French anti-racism group.

MRAP filed a suit last year over a letter Bardot, 73, sent to then-Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy. In the letter to Sarkozy, now France's president, Bardot said France is "tired of being led by the nose by this population that is destroying us, destroying our country by imposing its acts." Bardot, an animal rights activist, was reportedly referring to the Muslim feast of Aid el-Kebir, celebrated by slaughtering sheep.

French anti-racism laws prevent inciting hatred and discrimination on racial or religious or racial grounds. Bardot had been convicted four times previously for inciting racial hatred.

Bardot's lawyer, Francois-Xavier Kelidjian, said he would talk to her about the possibility of an appeal. "She is tired of this type of proceedings," he said. "She has the impression that people want to silence her. She will not be silenced in her defense of animal rights."

French prosecutors are tired, too. This will be the fifth time Bardot has been fined for inciting racial hatred since 1997. Last month, prosecutor Anne de Fontette told the court she was seeking a tougher sentence than usual, adding: "I am a little tired of prosecuting Mrs. Bardot."<<

This is what I get for watching the news, which alerted me to this story about Brigitte Bardot. I'm not particularly an animal rights activist. I find many of the PETA people almost as annoying as they would find me -- IF they could find me up here where wildlife abounds...abounds right into cars.

We routinely see deer, badgers, pheasants, gophers, beavers, and other varmints on the way to the court house. I know so little about wildlife that I'm not sure if I should put an 's' on the end of the animal names that Adam came up with in the Garden of Eden, or that Noah jammed onto the Ark.

I don't care, because I'm annoyed at France, a much maligned country which I try very hard to like.

(because if it hadn't been for the help of France during the Revolutionary War, we'd all be speaking English instead of Spanish)

I'm annoyed at France for letting in so many troublesome muslims into the country in the first place. I'm annoyed at France for mollycoddling them, providing cradle to crave welfare, and for putting up with all the crap they dish out. The very idea that France has a dumb law that makes it illegal to criticize another group. Poor Bridgette Bardot, who is fat now by the way, has to shell out tens of thousands of Euros in fines. All because she told the truth. She was upset because muslims slaughter animals some of their goofy holidays. So do Christians, but that is beside the point. I've never been especially fair or reasonable.

Someone, probably Mitterand, was asleep at the Renault, and let in so many mohammedans the whole country is ruined. Everyone in Paris is wearing turbans and cooking smelly food. If one has the misfortune to make an observation about muslims slaughtering Jews or something, why he/she lands in the Bastille. The only happy non-muslim in Paris is probably Johnny Depp, and that is because his wife is a babe, and he is so rich he can live in nice neighborhoods and avoid the unpleasantness of smelly food and the perpetually unbathed.

I didn't jump on the bandwagon of silly people who said "freedom fries" instead of French fries -- all because the French were smart enough to stay out of Bush's war without end.

But France needs to stop this nonsense before it really gets out of hand, and Germany has to invade again. France should kick out all the muslims. France should focus on what it does best: wine. France should paper the country with nekked posters of Brigitte Bardot -- but from the 50's, pleez.

Not to be xenophobic, of course, but as long as terrorist groups like the Council on American islamic Relations are allowed to run amok, we're in danger of losing such cherished freedoms as SPEECH.

muslims will ultimately lead to the Death of the West as we know it -- that's what they seek, after all. If we elect a muslim president this year, and there is a real danger of that now, we're only a few steps away from the imposition of sharia law in the Land of the Free, where (certain) women should always feel free to wear thong panties.

Not to be shallow and superficial, but we have too many purdy people in the United States, and I'd hate to see men sporting scruffy, smelly vermin-infested beards like some recycled taliban, or our lovely ladies forced to wear tarps over their heads. I'm sorry arab women are hideous; most of them should wear something over their heads. I'm sure it makes it easier on the men, if you know what I'm sayin'.

In all seriousness, this kind of stuff is going to increase. It is no longer politically correct to criticize certain groups. It is for this reason, and in the little time we have left to do it, I enjoy going overboard with my fun with the world's dumbest, made up, and most murderous religion.

Come, let us all send a donation to Mrs. Bardot's animal rights group, and then go out for steaks. Brigitte Bardot Foundation

RPH, Esq., N.V.

©Randall P. Hodge, Esq., N.V., and Morningwood Enterprises, LLC

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