Saturday, May 31, 2008

The Whigger

Saturday, May 31, 2008

The Whigger
Current mood: aggravated
Category: News and Politics

Father Michael Fleger and muslim anti-semitic friend, Louis Farrakhan

The other day on the radio, I heard an excerpt of Father Michael Fleger's fiery rant to Senator Obama's Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago. I assumed Fleger was black, as he has trained his voice to sound like a black Pentecostal preacher from about sixty years ago – if you could throw in some Ernest Angley. I suspect he spends a lot of time with my man, famous whigger, Kevin Federline, or with true rap stars, basketball players, or others who have so come to dominate our pop culture. And the Chinese-made junk sold by Mal-Wart.

Father Fleger apes the mannerisms, walk, vocal inflections, and a good bit of the lingo (with the exception of the expletives) we've come to expect from certain folks. I half expected him to go off on bitches and HOs. Maybe he does that offstage, or at fundraisers in San Francisco. I'd never even heard of this nut, but he is well known and much beloved in certain circles, circles of jerks, so to speak, who advocate, among other things, retroactive slavery and abortions for European Americans. They also want SOMEBODY to cough up about $100 trillion in "reparations" for alleged enslavement that may or may not have occurred at some time in the Old South. I don't know; I wasn't there. But if Obama gets himself elected, wanna bet we all get 40 acres and a mule – and have to cough up reparations? Thanks to the dumb President Bush, the democrats are going to have super majorities in both the Senate and the House.

This is what Father Fleger hinted in his speech. He dissed anyone anywhere who has anything of value, as it likely came from somebody somewhere who was at one time or another mean to black people. If you don't believe me, check out this bit of his tirade on everyone's source for video, YouTube:

It is my pleasure to report two developments. One, Obama has finally resigned from that "church" with which he has been closely allied for over twenty years. He did this because that goofy church invited that awful Fleger to speak in the first place. Is it Obama's fault? Oh hell yeah. Why not blame him. Anything to keep him from getting elected and destroying our country. But he knew exactly what that church was all about.

Two, a big group of white people got together at some compound in Northern Idaho. They took a vote, and they have kicked Michael Fleger out of the white people. Apparently, according to my sources who were at the conclave, the group decided that Father Fleger took the whigger thing to a HO NUTHA LEVEL, and there was no other option. He has been stripped of his whiteness.

Fleger is trying to get into the Hispanics, because the blacks won't take him. The Catholics don't want him. The Asians also turned him down. He's Fredo now; throw him into Lake Tahoe.

I've been watching to democrat rules committee all day. The group is in session, and they are pretending they aren't about to screw Hillary Clinton and the voters of Michigan and Florida out of their votes and their properly elected delegates to the national convention. How is this happening? Obama has put another one of his voodoo spells on them.

I don't think I have ever seen a more unattractive group of people jammed into one room in my life. Can they not let some purdy people into that party? I don't mean that to sound superficial and shallow, of course. I'm just sayin'.

RPH, Esq., N.V.

©Randall P. Hodge, Esq., N.V., and Morningwood Enterprises, LLC

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