Sunday, March 22, 2009

A movie to watch when you've been made Redundant

When I am feeling a little down, I always like to sit back and watch one of those "feel good" Holocaust movies. The other day I found one. It is one few people have seen.

The movie? "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas."

It played at Quail Springs Mall for about six hours, and then it moved on. About 34 people in Oklahoma City saw it. It broke the record previously set by "Priscilla Queen of the Desert," which was seen by 12 people. As always, one must drive to Dallas for anything more exotic than fishing lures and guns...and Seth Rogen movies. I hate movie theaters anyway. The one at Penn Square often "smells like feet," as Malcolm in the Middle says. It costs about $300 to go to the movies.

The reviews for "Pajamas" were mixed, so I passed on going.
Now it is out on DVD.

The reviews for the movie were wrong. It was excellent. All the actors were (I think) British, and thank allah they didn't try to fake cliched German accents. Watch Hogan's Heroes for that nonsense. Can you imagine Tom Cruise (ugh) trying a German accent in "Valkyrie?" Honkey pleez. He didn't try it. As Samwise Gamgee said, "there is some good in this world."

There wasn't anything particularly special about"Pajamas" until the end. The ending made the rest of it fantastic. Not because of what happened, but it made the rest of the movie relevant. WOW. I'm glad no one ruined it for me by telling me the ending, which is why I'm going to tell you right now.


Refreshingly, "Pajamas" doesn't try to blame the Germans for the Holocaust.


Yes it does. It WAS the Germans, wasn't it. My bad. They were just upset and misguided about some things, needed therapy, and they didn't mean to do it anyway.

Kind of like O.J.

Still, like "Schindler's List," the movie is anti-Germanic. I thought we'd moved past this ugliness and bigotry. Frrrrl. You know what really annoys me? Nowadays, when talking about the War, people say we were fighting the "Nazis." We were fighting the Germans, bitches. There weren't all that many "Nazis," --certainly not enough to roll through Europe. It is another one of those politically correct things morons say so Germany will feel better about allegedly starting a war in 1939. Poland started it, by the way.

Nazism was a political philosophy and a political party. People joined it and some wore dashing uniforms. Ask any World War II vet of the European Theater, though. He will tell you it was the Germans who were shooting at him.

Boy, I really digress.

"Pajamas" has some decent extras on the DVD, but not like "Lord of the Rings," which has about 128 hours of extras for the truly nerdy (like me) who think it is non-fiction. Extras are worth a look in "Pajamas."

By the way, why in the world didn't Frodo and Sam just hire a damned eagle to fly them to Mt. Doom? It would have saved us a lot of trouble, a bunch of dead folks, and two movies. I asked this question when I was 14, and I've yet to get a satisfactory answer.

But I digress again. I guess I forgot to take my medication.

My boy James Horner composed the music for "Pajamas," and it is terrific. He also composed for "Titanic," and many others I am too lazy to look up on IMDBpro (PRO version to which I subscribe, because I am going to be a big star some day).

"The Boy in the Striped Pajamas," bitches. Great flick. Watch it. Not many attractive people, and the fashion (other than the uniforms) was not so much, but...

There is a reason I constantly use the terms "bitches" and "Frrrrl (number of r's optional), which means "for real." I have learned these things from white people, who very much want to be black, and who learned the expressions from black people. I use them in a gallant effort to fit into this brave new Obamaworld. Black is the new black. I have even had hugging and gesture lessons, but I found out I suck at gangstah hugs and gestures because I am left handed. I think only white people are left handed, but I digress. Apparently, gangstah hugs are supposed to be "heart to heart," which is awkward for left handed people. We really should draw a check from the government for being left handed.

Rent the movie.

I wish everyone the very best this Easter, Purim, Passover, and whatever violent, self-flagellating or murderous "holiday"the muslims celebrate. I am sure they have copied something from the Judeo-Christian traditions. No offense.

Christians eat better on Easter; I am sorry Hebrews. We get ham, and fixin's, and you get bitter herbs and boring bread. We're fatter though.

Jewish Americans, You need TBN. NOW.

TBN logo (without the voiceover of my boy Efrem Zimbalist, Jr.)

Paul and Jan Crouch. Yes, the hair is completely real.

Jus' sayin'.

Randall P. Hodge, Esq., and Morningwood Enterprises, Ltd. (c) 2009

1 comment:

Shannon Sparks said...

I'm still waiting for Auschwitz: The Musical...