Wednesday, May 14, 2008

West Virginia Loves Hillary

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The democrats are close to nominating Barack Madrasah Obama. He is the candidate favored by the terrorist organization, hamas. Same one with TWO radical islamist daddies. The same candidate who scares large and crucial blocs of voters the democrats will need to win in November. The genius who can't seem to carry a big state.

But the beautiful people are backing him with big money and glamorous endorsements. These are the Hollywood, Alec Baldwin/Barbra Streisand, facelift-havin' types who think the rest of us are backward, bitter, unsophisticated and dumb. Obama's support also comes from most of the media, and the political pundits -- and about 158% of the black vote. Don't ask me how. It is now considered racist to question anything whatsoever about the coming Brave New World of Obama.

Obama is the most liberal member of the United States Senate. That is saying a lot. When the full record of his very limited government service and experience is presented (assuming the media will do this), the average American voter will not take a chance on this radical. He would be the most liberal man ever nominated by a major political party in the United States (and McGovern was a doozy).

I admire Geraldine Ferraro for telling the truth about Obama. She said Obama achieved all of his success because he is sort of black. Under pressure, she had to resign from the Clinton campaign. Barack has served a little over three years in the United States Senate. He is dangerously naiive with regard to foreign affairs, e.g., his wish to meet with that nut who held our people hostage in 1979-81, and who now runs an extinct nation called iran.

I could go on and on about Obama, and I do, practically every time I post anything. It is because I stand all amazed that he may win, all because of a free ride from the press, Hillary's badly run campaign, and certain blocs of voters who vote en masse for him.

What has he done? He can at times give an effete, prancy, fluffy, poofy, ethereal and snooty (redundancy intended) speech that is dripping with "hopeitude." Most of us could too, if a pointy headed ivy league kid wrote it, and we spent hours practicing pissy vocal inflections in the mirror like Obama does. Oh, and if we were black, and virtually every member of the press had a man (or woman) crush on us.

My point is this. Obama hasn't done crap in his life to deserve even a fraction of the adulation that has been heaped upon him. We, the "American People in Our Righteous Might," are dangerously close to getting stuck with this dangerously radical man. It is possible for a president to really eff up the country. Jimmy Carter came close, in both foreign and domestic affairs. Ronald Reagan cleaned it up. George W. Bush has been even worse than Carter. Obama lacks the experience and ability to grasp the problems we now face -- much less the skill and political savvy needed to tackle them.

Tonight in West Virginia, Senator Hillary Clinton beat the dogsh*t out of Obama. She beat him like a four year old in K-Mart. She slapped the taste out of his mouth. She tore him a new one. She got more votes, that's what she did. In a state democrats will almost surely have to win in November, Hillary Clinton beat the junior muslim senator from Illinois 67% - 26%. That's 41 points, son. That's like a Reagan vs. Mondale margin in Idaho in 1984.

Tonight, Senator Clinton gave the best speech I've heard in a long time. She has racked up huge wins in huge states. She has attracted the votes of working people who aren't the least bit impressed by Obama and his wine sipping set in New York and San Francisco. The Latinos love her. Many Republicans admire her because she keeps fighting the good fight. Conservatives who can't stand McCain are pulling for her because she is, at least, smart, and she isn't a radical muslim who is backed by hamas.

Why is she behind? Senator Clinton is behind because her campaign made some mistakes early on, and Obama's people had the sense to take advantage of it. That and he's the anti-christ and he gets his orders from satan. Other than that he's probably all right.

I still believe somehow Mrs. Clinton will pull it off. Democrats will come to their senses and nominate her. She could and probably would beat McCain. Obama cannot and will not beat McCain. A black man can be elected in this country, but not a Che Guevara-lovin' radical like Obama.

I don't know HOW she will pull it off, but I think she will. Hope so anyway. I'm glad I saw her give the best speech of her career. It was good for her supporters.

I couldn't help but remember 1976 when Republicans almost nominated Ronald Reagan -- who would have spared us the disastrous Carter years. But they opted for Ford, even though they knew he'd lose.

I have a hunch most democrats deep down know that Obama will lose to McCain, but they are so taken by his phony charm, they're probably going to nominate him anyway. Sometimes democrats feel compelled to do the next stupid thing.

Why? Because Obama has slapped a voodoo spell on them, that's why.

RPH, Esq., P.L.W.

© 2008 Randall P. Hodge, Esq., and Morningwood Enterprises, LLC

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