Friday, April 10, 2009

Why I Hate KFOR Channel 4

Incredibly, on April 9, 2009, KFOR, the local NBC affiliate, preempted BOTH episodes of NBC's popular program, "The Office," so its dreadful local news stars could spend the entire evening over-reporting the story about the alleged fires in Midwest City. Upon reflection, I'm not so sure KFOR didn't make up the whole thing. I know I didn't see any fires. Never mind I never go outside the house, but these things happen.

In honor of Jesus (I guess), NBC aired TWO new episodes in one night. Fans of the beloved and iconic television show were understandably irritated with the preemption. In protest, over 250,000 people gathered for a candlelight vigil outside the hideous worldwide headquarters of KFOR. Outraged former viewers threw paper clips, staples, urine balloons, and put up witty and obscenity-laced Post-it Notes© (all of which quickly blew away).

More importantly, they pledged additional peaceful and madcap gestures designed to remind people that KFOR is patently moronic, just plain goofy and, sadly, probably hates Jesus. These will include a hunger strike, vows by some to call in phony tornado sightings, and a boycott of the number four (4). Attempts to create and burn in effigy the rotund anchorman, Kevin Ogle, were unsuccessful, due to a shortage of stuffing.

Jus' sayin'.

It isn't the end of the world, though; I eventually watched both episodes (really GREAT ones, by the way) at I had to suffer through a few Toyota commercials, but I'll live.

KFOR is worse than Hitler.

(c) 2009 Randall P. Hodge, Esq. and Morningwood Enterprises, Ltd.

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