Saturday, April 26, 2008

Barack the Chicken Hearted

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Barack the Chicken Hearted
Current mood: argumentative
Category: News and Politics

Barack the Chicken Hearted

The race between Obama and Clinton is neck and neck, mainly because Obama cheated or something, and Clinton ran a lousy campaign – or none at all in many states. Her idiot staff thought it would all be over by February 5th, but it ain't. It's a terrific, tight race that is preparing the eventual nominee for the fall campaign. We haven't had a primary race this close or this exciting since 1976, when Ronald Reagan almost beat Gerald Ford, a sitting, albeit appointed, president. Ford won by doling out bribes and using secret police from the Shah of Iran to beat up on uncommitted delegates. The result was…

Jimmy Carter, who recently screwed up things a little more for us over in allahland. There's a new book out about what an arrogant jerk Carter was, in that he treated the White House "help" like crap. I'd almost read that book – if I read books. Didn't Carter's mother have a torrid affair with lovely Gertrude Stein back in the 30's? I may be wrong; I get so confused sometimes. It's all this clean living.

Gertrude Stein

Lillian Carter

So Hillary Clinton has challenged that awful Barack Obama to a Lincoln-Douglas –style Debate. This debate would have no moronic moderators asking moronic questions. The two candidates would ask each OTHER moronic questions, pick at each other, show a bit of smarts and oratory…and whatnot. Americans have been clamoring for a true debate since I started following politics in 1968.

What passes for "debates" among the candidates, and the democrats have had some 21 exhaustively boring ones in this campaign, aren't really debates at all. They are group press conferences. They are seldom newsworthy, as the candidates usually expect most of the questions, and they have prepared sound bite answers. They are lame.

Once in awhile a candidate says or does something dumb. In 1976, Ford claimed the Soviets did not dominate Poland. Right. Poland also invanded Germany in 1939. Ford waited a week before knuckling under and "clarifying" his remarks. That probably cost him the election, but who can say. In the end were saddled with…

Jimmy Carter, who recently screwed up things a little more in allahland. And Jimmy Carter, who got the dog sh*t beat out of him by Ronald Reagan, in 1980. In their one and only debate, Reagan was prepared for Carter's pious, holier-than-thou, you're going to start a war, rape the wilderness, and then eat the poor comments. Reagan shook his head sadly (he'd likely rehearsed it) and said, "there you go again." Most of us Reagan fans added "you phony m.f." to that, since Reagan couldn't say it.

In a debate in 1992, George Bush (the smart one) looked at his watch, which signaled he was not having a good night, and it rather summed up his hapless campaign. When's this gonna be over?

In 2000 and 2004, Bush the Dumb was…just dumb, and we were embarrassed for him.

Debates, even the goofy press conference "debates," can make a difference. We should have lots and lots of them, because Hillary might just score points against that phony Obama, and beat his ass. Someone needs to expose this guy before it is too late, and we're cursed with another…

…Jimmy Carter-like idiot. One who smiles and charms and delights the masses. After getting elected, he sits around and effs stuff up. I'm serious. He has gotten a free ride because he is semi-black, and it is simple as that. What do we know about him? We know about that preacher of his. We know about his friendship with the terrorist, that precious William Ayers. We know Obama lacks experience. The kind of experience it takes to avoid doing and saying stupid things as President of the United States. Bush the Dumb taught us about that. We know Obama's evil orc wife wasn't proud of America until her husband was on the verge of the nomination.

If I've said anything personal or unkind, let me apologize before anyone is hurt.

My whole point with this ramble was to simply say that that Barack Obama is a whiny punk bitch because he won't accept Hillary Clinton's challenge to a real debate.

all I can do is sit here and write hurtful things about that big eared pinko weathermen sympathizer crack smokin' Barack Obama.

I do hope he loses. I'm about ready to send some money to Mrs. Clinton. Lots and lots of conservatives are pulling for her.

RPH, Esq., N.V.

©Randall P. Hodge, Esq., and Morningwood Enterprises, LLC

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