Sunday, April 6, 2008

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Trinity United Communist Church of Crap
Current mood: contemplative
Category: News and Politics

This story has been done to death, but I continue to uncover additional facts. Senator Barack Obama is a member of a whacko "church" in Chicago, Trinity United Church of Christ. I recently shared with you intelligence I uncovered on the internet. This included a statement issued by surviving members of the Nazi Party in Germany, in which the party condemned, rebuked and repudiated Senator Obama and that awful, hideous "church" he has attended for twenty years -- and his evil pastor, too.

Further, at the spring rally held in Munich, the governing board of the New and Improved Nazi Party awarded its annual Aufmerksamkeit gefährlicher Schwarze (Roughly translated by Google: Warning: Dangerous Negro) prize to Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Rev. Wright is Obama’s spiritual advisor, guru, minister, and America Hating Mentor. Factabidness, the term "hater," which was used by Dave Chappelle to describe someone who hates everything, originated with Wright and his fat nappy head.

The Nazis think Wright is too extreme.

So do I. I’m troubled that Obama would take his family to that "church" for so many years. Didn’t he HEAR what Wright was spewing, Linda Blair-style, all over the place? Obama brushed off this issue by claiming, "I was texting, and had my cell phone set on super duper vibrate, and strapped to my third leg." Too much information, to be sure, but interesting. My sources tell me his evil wife has one of those huge 80’s mobile phones with identical settings, and that she named her phone "Little Barack," and found the phone infinitely more gratifying than the Senator. I’m just sayin’.

Lastly, still another source produced for me a copy of a letter from the Baby Jesus Himself, and it was addressed to Trinity United Church of Christ. In effect, the letter demanded the "church" cease and desist using the last name of Jesus (Christ) on its letterhead, signs, mailings, media, internet, and any and all other forms…" Jesus simply could not abide folks thinking the Rev. Wright in any way, shape or form represented Him on earth.

The other Church of Christ, commonly found in Oklahoma and other Southern states, is also annoyed that people confuse a church known for its high Biblical standards (Church of Christ) with Obama’s communist "church."

I don’t like Obama. I never have. I have not been caught up in all the hoopla the media have created around him. I don’t think he offers any real hope for anybody, other than himself. He hopes to get a higher paying job: the Presidency. I think Obama is phony, a closet commie, a closet militant muslim, a closet ǖber liberal, and the Anti-Christ. Also, his ears are too big, and he is about 97% white. He gets all this black cred by being 3%?

I’ll say it again, and not for the last time, that if he is nominated, Barack Hussein Obama cannot and will not win. "The American people in their righteous might" will not elect this guy.


RPH, Esq., N.V.

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