Sunday, April 6, 2008

Porn & Sandwiches

Friday, March 07, 2008

Porn & Sandwiches
Current mood: amused
Category: Life

Lee's Sandwiches is located near NW 30th & Classen Boulevard.

Has anyone been there?

I discovered Lee's is a franchise. Oriental stuff is the specialty, which explains why they built this behemoth in that neighborhood. Oriental restaurants almost never go under.

I like to speculate the place has a large room upstairs with 300 illegal Chinese workers toiling away making tennis shoes for fifty cents a day. Maybe the sandwich angle is all a front.

The place is about as big as a Super Wal-Mart, probably cost about $700 million to construct, and it took around 20 years to complete. I saw authentic coolies working day and night like ants.

Oops, I just discovered the word "coolie" is more pejorative than descriptive, so I shouldn't have used the term.

There were already about six deli/sandwich places within a couple of miles. I wonder if Lee's will make it? Perhaps the owners will borrow a tactic from that ruthless evil Wal-Mart and blow up all the competitors.

Lee's Sandwiches is open from 6:00 to 9:00. I would drop by to look it over and sample the sandwiches, but those hours aren't convenient for me.

I hope Lee's Sandwiches is successful. If not, I can't think of any type of business that would be interested in that enormous building in that location. Although I've often thought Oklahoma City needs a seedy, x-rated porn theatre and bath house, where it's all nekked, all the time. How about privacy booths that offer specific, individual service, if you know what I'm sayin'. Perhaps a tasty grill with fried food 24 hours a day. In my mind's eye I'm also thinking a gift shop with sex toys, DVDs, nekked magazines, incense, tasteful lubes, and herbal enhancement pills for that special part of the male anatomy.

We're all tired of driving to Gainesville for this and that sort of thing. And what not.

RPH, Esq., N.V.

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