Sunday, April 6, 2008

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Imus in the Morning
Current mood: annoyed

Don Imus fans are aware of what happened to him last spring. Imus jokingly referred to players on a women's basketball team as "nappy headed HO's." Most of us thought it was funny, some of them were nappy headed, and many sported prison-like tattoos. Who can say if they were HOs, but "Huxtables" they were not.

Imus apologized and agreed to a suspension, but then began the media stürm und dräng. The usual player haters and "reverends" were all over the news programs calling for the hide and job of Don Imus. Imus offered to do everything but walk up and down Fifth Avenue butt nekked. It was no use. The media piling on continued and increased. No forgiveness for Imus.

He was fired by WFAN and also by MSNBC.

Imus sued, and his former employer had to "pay him like Oprah." Good for Imus and the charities he supports.

Imus in the Morning returned to the air on December 3, on two new stations, WABC and RFD-TV. The problem for Imus fans in Oklahoma City? Cable provider Cox Cable, the Wal-Mart of communications, refuses to carry RFD-TV. Cox subscribers can't watch Imus. The radio network in Oklahoma City won't carry Imus either. So it sucks to be us.

Cox thinks it is the only game in town.

But it isn't the only game in town. The two satellite providers offer more channels for less money. Seriously. Ever wonder why there are so many little grey dishes on rooftops around the City? Ever wonder why there so many idiotic channels in the Cox lineup? They are free, and nobody watches them. Pure profit for Cocks. There are shopping and crap channels out the arse -- jewelry, wiener enlargement pills, fat people products, Spanish language programs, religious channels for everyone but the muslims. I think I saw one channel that specializes in animal turds from around the world.

But there is no room in the inn for one corny channel like RFD-tv, where we could watch Imus and the Wilburn Brothers. Would it do any good to contact Cox and beg for the channel? Yes, if enough people do it. Do what I do: bug them early and often. They'll cave in eventually. Even Cox has to listen sometimes.

In the meantime, check out the WABC website, and listen to Imus online from 5:00 – 9:00 a.m. Better yet, download a recording program and set it to record Imus from the WABC feed. I do that. The problem is finding time to listen to four hours of Imus. Least I can cut out the commercials.

Imus is his old self again.

Pester Cox Communications to pick up RFD-TV.

RPH, Esq. N.V.

©Randall P. Hodge, Esq. 2008

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