Sunday, April 6, 2008

Hillary Clinton & CaRACK Obama

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Hillary Clinton and CaRACK Obama
Current mood: amused
Category: News and Politics

After watching the Sunday news programs, I am amused that the campaign between CaRACK Obama and an increasingly desperate Hillary Clinton is getting meaner by the day. I'm all for dragging this thing down to a personal and immature level without equal in the history of the world. I want these candidates to lie, cheat, steal, kill, bitch slap each other and, most importantly, I want to see them call each other names. Ghetto names. Candidates, please say unforgivable things you'll regret for the rest of your lives.

Obama's so-called uplifting and "hopeness" language has, in part, been stolen from other candidates. He has ripped off whole passages from a speech given by Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick, who had previously ripped off practically every other notable speech given by a democrat in the past 200 years. It isn't at all uplifting; it is pukesome.

Besides, after eight years of BushSpeak, anyone, even Obama, sounds like a Churchill or Lincoln.

And let us hasten to remember that these knuckleheads don't even write their own speeches. People who are 10,000+ times smarter than President Bush (the dumb one) writes his speeches. Yet he cannot give a decent speech – not even if human existence depended on it. The last president I know of who had a hand in writing his own speeches was Ronald Reagan.

President Reagan loved to tinker with drafts prepared by his speechwriters. It was always a thrill to see a draft with Reagan's familiar scrawl. He often improved on the language crafted by the pros. Reagan was the Great Communicator, in both the written and spoken word. I recall his terrific newspaper and radio commentaries in the 1970's. Nuthin' like that today.

But I digress, as usual. Back to name calling.

In 1984, Reagan campaign staffers all agreed our primary purpose was to win the election against that dull awful Mondale. And we beat the crap out of him. It was also our dream to make Mafia Princess Geraldine Ferraro cry in public. I think we managed that a time or too.

In 2008, if I were CaRACK Obama, I'd do my utmost to goad Hillary into calling me the N-Word. And Hilary has to get Obama to call her something worse, like the C-word. Yes, that would be wrong, and I condemn it in advance, but I'll be laughing.

I'll say it again. When our choices consist of bald and old and phony John McCain, CaRACK Obama, and fat crooked Hilary Clinton….

Our choices, folks, suck. Seriously.

RPH, Esq., N.V.

©Randall P. Hodge, Esq. 2008

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