Sunday, April 6, 2008

Governor Spitzer's $5000 Weiner

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Governor Spitzer’s $5000 Weiner
Current mood: amused
Category: News and Politics

My heart aches for the Governor of New York, Eliot Spitzer, who is apparently so vomity, a call girl charges him over five grand to party with her. I can't bring myself to say much, other than this is about the coolest thing that has happened since Jimmy Swaggart was caught with the HO in that awful motel room in New Orleans. That incident was even worse after I saw the nekked pictures of the lady in Penthouse. I have that issue some place, but it, like my Rolex and a bunch of other stuff, is lost. Or in a box. Or in a pile. Or in the back yard.

Once in awhile a phony do-gooder like Governor Spitzer, or Senator Craig, gets caught doing naughty things for which they have long pilloried others. At least Spitzer, presumably, hired a chick. Senator Craig, presumably, was trying to tap dance with a dude, in a stall. Also, presumably, Spitzer's chosen milieu, the grand Mayflower Hotel in Washington, was far more pleasant than Craig's airport men's room. Unless one is into that sort of thing. You know what I'm sayin'.

It's all good. And funny. I think both of the goofballs should resign. But if Spitzer tries to hold on, it'll get messier (so to speak), and he'll still have to go. The fool had his baby doll travel across state lines, and paid her, and that form of prostitution involves the feds. His weiner must have a lot of influence, because it has gotten the governor in a lot of trouble. Yes, this is kinda coo, and it should get even better.

Imus was having fun with it this morning. I had a moment to listen to him online, since our hideous satanic cable system, COX COMMUNICATIONS, won't offer RFD-TV, which simulcasts Imus in the Morning. But we're covered when it comes to the religious, shopping and Spanish speaking channels.

Anyway, Imus was having fun with the whole deal. He has always hated Spitzer.

For someone who couldn't bring himself to say much…

RPH, Esq., N.V.

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