Monday, April 21, 2008

Obama to Outlaw English ﺵﻈﻖﺴ,ﺵﻈﻖﺴﷲ

Monday, April 21, 2008

Obama made me learn ﺵﻈﻖﺴﷲ
Current mood: indescribable
Category: News and Politics

People, I've said it before, and I'll say it again: you can't make up some of the dumb stuff candidates do. What's more, they will keep right on a-doing it or lying about it until unrelenting media or other pressure brings them down. Once in awhile, a public figure will not back down. An example from 1985 comes to mind, and that is the controversy over President Reagan's visit to a German military cemetery, Bitburg. Bitburg contained the remains of a few soldiers who were in the SS. There might have been a few allied airmen who firebombed Dresden, too – war is bad.

The President stuck to his guns and went anyway. He had, after all, promised Chancellor Kohl he would go. It was an important gesture of American appreciation of an important and loyal friend. It wasn't as if the President planned to don lederhosen and sing the "Horst Wessel" song with the Chancellor.

Lots of whining, though, from certain members of congress, Elie Wiesel, and the usual suspects in the media. People sent in World War II medals in protest. Scientologists set themselves on fire. Artists in Santa Fe did more 'shrooms. Nazis protested the visit of a World War II veteran, Captain Ronald Reagan, to a sacred cemetery where kameraden were interred. Kurt Waldheim turned over in his mausoleum, and he wasn't even dead yet. Okay, I'm making most of this up.

But Reagan promised he'd go, it caused a lot of controversy, but he kept his word to the Chancellor. The controversy eventually passed, like a pineapple through the digestive system. Reagan himself put that a little more colorfully. Deutschland remains one of our staunch allies.

Now, Obama the Boy Wonder, is cornered over this idiotic flag lapel pin issue. I don't know if his mojo, mofo, ungawa, voodoo, or muslim prayers will bail him out of this one. Reagan Democrats and others with common sense are both puzzled and angered. Most of us have never known or even heard of someone who wouldn't wear an American flag lapel pin. Not that people "have" to wear one, but who ever refused?

For the most part, the senator can do no wrong in the eyes of the media. They think he is swell, and that he was wrapped in swaddling clothes at birth. The media have given him a pass over that piece of work "minister," and his tight relationship with home grown terrorist, William Ayers, whose worst crime was sporting 60s hair in the 80s.

I think Obama is a fat, lying phony, but I mean that in a nice way.

Why won't he wear a lapel pin? That's un-American, un-patriotic, and just plain goofy. The media have picked at him about it, but he (so far) hasn't backed down. If he decides to start wearing one now, we can all gleefully proclaim him the chicken-hearted woos he truly is, and we'll mean that in a nice way too.

After 9/11, America found itself at war with islam. I started wearing a lapel pin, because it seemed the right thing to do. My pin has the American and British flags together, because the Great Britain is our best friend. I'm also a monarchist and a colonialist, and I believe Great Britain should get its empire back.

So would it hurt our young prince to wear a lapel pin? Nope. Why doesn't he? If someone designed and manufactured (in China, of course) a lapel pin with that muslim red crescent, next to a Maoist red star, I'm betting Obama would wear it. This man who would be president, the leader of a proud, patriotic, and rather fat nation of fast food lovers would wear that one. Why? Because he is secretly a muslim commie, that's why, and we won't find out until it is too late.

Sidebar: I don't wear a lapel pin any more. Why? Because I'm too grotesquely fat to fit into anything with lapels. If I'd earned $4.2 billion dollars last year like the Obama Crime Family, I'd buy new suits.

Let us vote. Vote early, repeatedly, and often. Vote like a Kennedy-rigged election in Boston. Let us hope that "the American people in their righteous might" will not elect this guy. He is an unknown. He is untested. He is effete. He is a snooty, wine sipping, reception going, Vanity Fair readin', NPR lis'nin' mean wife havin', Black Niles Crane, and he's not even a Baptist.

C'mon, Pennsylvania. Vote in droves for Hilary. Obama makes her seem palatable. I never thought I'd say that. I might even vote for her over McCain; it depends on McCain's running mate. Someone has been saying that McCain wants to re-invade Vietnam; that is funny as hell, and I wish I'd thought of it.

So why won't the emir wannabe wear a flag lapel pin?

I'm sick of listening to "Vampire Weekend" now, but they are starting to send me messages like Gavin Rossdale. I'm going to get to the subject of North Dakota I'm leaving in a week. Here's another from "Vampire's" "Oxford Comma."

"Why would you lie about how much coal you have?
Why would you lie about something dumb like that?
Why would you lie about anything at all?
First the window, then it's to the wall
Lil' Jon, he always tells the truth"

Because it doesn't have to make sense to be cool. "Oxford Comma" has the F-word in it, too.


RPH, Esq., N.V.

©Randall P. Hodge, Esq.

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