Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Clobbering Persia - 30 Years Late

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Clobbering Persia - 30 Years Late
Current mood: contemplative
Category: News and Politics

God Bless Pennsylvania.

Yes, the good citizens of Pennsylvania, including my friends at Dunder Mifflin in Scranton, voted on Tuesday, and Senator Clinton beat the dog sh*t out of that crooked Senator Obama. By a margin of at least 10 points, Mrs. Clinton knocked him down to Chinatown. Obama spent money like a drunken arab potentate, which he is by the way. He ran hundreds of negative ads -- enough to make the entire state puke onto poor New Jersey.

Mr. Hope & Change even went negative, and he called her everything but an ugly white woman.

It didn't work. He lost.

I can't stand either one of them, but I favor Mrs. Clinton over Mr. Obama. I can even see myself voting for her over Senator McCain. He is also a big phony, and I can envision him pushing some of the dumbest legislation in history, keeping hope (and war) alive in Iraq forever, and (as one comedian claimed) re-invading poor harmless Vietnam. Might as well bomb Cambodia while we're at it, Senator.

I read something interesting in the New York Times. Senator Clinton is getting a little tougher, and I like it. I'll get to it. I'm no Torah-thumper for Israel, but I believe we should stick up for the only true friend we have in that allah-forsaken region. I'm still very angry at Iran over the hostage taking in 1979. Carter did everything but offer the Iranians an aircraft carrier to release the diplomats imprisoned by the terrorists. Lest we forget, the current President of Iran, Ahmadinejad, was one of those terrorists.

They played Carter for the fool he was, and he was the first sitting president to lose since Martin Van Buren.

But those Iranian vandals embarrassed all of us. They didn't act nice. They didn't act right. They violated every rule of traditional diplomacy, and they don't regularly bathe. I don't know of a single instance where the Germans or even the Soviets pulled that kind of crap. One would have to think of North Korea to find an example.

It was years before the reputation of the United States of America was restored. Alas, the dumb Bush destroyed it all over again.

Like most Americans, though, I've long been troubled by the those nuts in Iran. They want nukes, and backward as they are, they are bound to get them. Pakistan has nukes, for heaven's sake.

Iranian mullets and their goofy president firmly believe they are backed up by some magical, albeit phony, diety, "allah." The leaders of this backward, quaint, rug making country are convinced that it is the will of allah to wipe Israel off the map.

Let them try. Not because I think we should start a war over Israel. No, we should simply use this as an excuse to annihilate Iran. Even thirty years later, it would still be kyna coo. Am I a warmonger? Nope. I simply wouldn't mind if we nuked Iran. These things happen.

So I was more than pleased to read in the New York Times the following quote:

"The Pennsylvania race was volatile into its final hours. Mrs. Clinton, for instance, surprised some Democrats with a remark about Iran on ABC on Tuesday, when she broke with her practice of avoiding hypothetical questions and commented on a situation in which Iran attacked Israel with nuclear weapons.

"I want the Iranians to know that if I'm the president, we will attack Iran," she said. "In the next 10 years, during which they might foolishly consider launching an attack on Israel, we would be able to totally obliterate them."

You go fat girlfriend. If you win, we'll likely be inundated with lesbian feminist judges, and unimaginably awful policies and laws. At least you'd dispatch our Iranian friends to the infernal regions if they jack with Israel. I'd say it'd be worth the 30-year wait, and I'll learn to live without Persian rugs.

RPH, Esq., N.V.

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