Sunday, April 6, 2008

Obama the Muslim Anti-Christ

Monday, March 24, 2008

Obama the Muslim Anti-Christ
Category: News and Politics

I don’t subscribe to Rolling Stone, but I like one of the writers for the magazine, Mike Taibbi. He is a liberal communist hippie pinko, etc., but he is also a terrific writer.

Next time you’re in the market, (or wherever fine magazines are sold), check out the current issue. In this issue, Rolling Stone has endorsed Obama. That’s odd enough, but here’s what is really weird. Look at the angelic portrait of Obama on the cover. It’s a bit much.

There is actually a halo/glow effect. They’ve likely used software to darken his skin just a touch. Also looks as if they’ve applied a perm to his hair. All to make him more black and give him much needed street cred. Not a blemish to be seen. Reminds me of when Time Magazine ghettoed up a cover photo of O.J. Darkened his skin with photoshop, so he’d look more sinister. Somebody ratted them out. Busted. Gotta love tattle tales.

That’s not the point.

The point is, the cover of the Rolling Stone made me think of the tabloid magazines running stories about this nut being the Anti-Christ.

In the cover portrait, Barack Obama looks like he could be the Anti-Christ. Especially when one considers his whack job minister about whom we’ve all seen and heard so much.

Creepy, creepy, creepy.

It will suck if he is elected and turns out to be the Anti-Christ.

Because in that case he knows I’m writing this right now.

Oops. Crank call! Crank Call!

RPH, Esq., N.V.

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